Searching allows you to find information in more than 1,000,000 rows of spatial State Geographic Information Datasource (SGID) data without expensive software or licensing. With over 300 tables of real-world Utah data that you can run queries against in the SGID, the possibilities can be a little overwhelming. The search endpoint offers vast potential for data extraction. This UGRC API endpoint allows you to query geometries and attributes from any table in the Open SGID.
URI Format
Required path parameters
The schema qualified name of an Open SGID table. Read the getting connected guide to start browsing the Open SGID.
Type: string
Example: boundaries.county_boundaries
A comma separated string of fields to return from the Open SGID table.
Type: string
Example: name,fips,shape@
Optional query string parameters
The predicate allows you to filter the result. Use simple PostgreSQL predicates.
Type: string
Default: 1=1
Example: UPPER(name) like '%K'
The point, polyline, polygon, multipoint, or envelope geometry types used for spatial queries. These geometries are denoted as geometryType:ArcGIS Server JSON representation. eg:
A distance in meters to buffer the input geometry. 2000 meters is the maximum buffer.
Type: integer
Default: 0
Example: 10
The format the input field name keys are returned as in the result array attributes dictionary. This is useful for having consistent access to the response data keys in code.
Type: string
Default: lower
Can be one of: lower, upper, input
Example (lower):
[{ "attributes": { "name": "SALT LAKE" } }]
Example (upper):
[{ "attributes": { "NAME": "SALT LAKE" } }]
Example (input): where the fields input is Name
[{ "attributes": { "Name": "SALT LAKE" } }]
The spatial reference defines how the coordinates will represent a location on the earth defined by how the round earth was made flat. The well known id’s (WKID) of different coordinate systems define if the coordinates will be stored as degrees of longitude and latitude, meters, feet, etc. This endpoint supports the WKIDs from the Geographic Coordinate System reference and the Projected Coordinate System reference. UTM Zone 12 N, with the WKID of 26912, is the default. This coordinate system is the most accurate reflection of Utah. It is recommended to use this coordinate system if length and area calculations are important as other coordinate systems will skew the truth.
There are three output formats for the result object. The default being empty. esrijson will parse into an esri.Graphic for mapping purposes and geojson will format as a Feature. If this value is omitted, the default json will be returned.
Type: string
Can be one of: esrijson, geojson
The callback function to execute for cross domain javascript calls (jsonp). This API supports CORS and does not recommend the use of callback and jsonp.